Monday, March 31, 2014

Divorce Papers (and papers and papers and papers)!

Six months after being served the divorce papers (Thank goodness they were served to my lawyer, I feel for anyone who receives them in person!) I finally met with my attorney and forensic accountant. (I didn't even know that was a job before all of this.) The first court date is still a couple of months away, and now I have been told that the current best estimate for all of this to be over is three years!

I have spent most of this time itemizing my married life. Gifts, clothing, furniture and even travel photos. Check stubs and credit card statements, receipt by receipt. Isn't it sad how once happy memories now become nothing more than a financial record? A new yardstick to measure the majority of my life and my worth as a wife. So much paper, 

if laid end to end it would wrap around the house a multitude of times.

On top of all of this my soon to be ex now wants a video of the contents of our  house, which is so strange. He hasn't been gone that long, is that why it was so easy for him to walk away? No memory of his previous life? I told him he could have all of the furniture in the house, he picked everything out anyway! 

The items I want don't have a monetary value: kids drawings and stories, poems and wobbly pots made from small hands. Mementos from our travel as a family.

The brightest point in all of this is no matter how long it takes, I will always be younger than my ex when I gain my freedom and now I can choose my own furniture, thank you very much!

My Cheap Fashion Fix

Cuffed capri wallpaper print jeans
by Miss Me $94.00 

purchased at Ross for $14.99

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Divorce Information Highway

In this age of too much information, available too quickly, why was I still the last to know I would be getting divorced? I mean I had my suspicions, but due to my positive nature, I never really thought about it. He told me he had been unhappy for a long time. (So that's why he was so mean to me, duh, I just thought it was because he was a self-centered narcissist.) Funny, He didn't tell me he had been unhappy until 2 months after he had hired a new girl. 
The worse part about this is I had been nice to her! 

Friends had seen them together, and I guess didn't want to tell me for the fear that they were wrong. Please, next time tell me! I welcome any information that may be helpful to my life! If I had known I would have done some things differently, like putting away money or charging some really nice things to our credit card! Definitely would have upgraded my cell phone anyway.

So I started looking for information, not to get back, but for financial reasons (and to make sure I wasn't the crazy one, because that is what he kept telling me, and is actually still telling me 10 months later). 

He started taking lots of time off work. (Funny he never did that for his family.) He took her to concerts and sporting events, (telling his kids that it was for business and he had to go) to Chile (yes, the country, can you believe this) to see a concert, to Napa Valley for his birthday and now a lovely ski vacation for his girlfriend's birthday.(I had a feeling, he finally came to pick up his ski boots!) 

How do I know for sure, you may be asking yourself? That is the great part of having your husband leave you for someone so young, they live their lives online! Almost anything you would like to know is available through their Twitter, Facebook or Instagram accounts! They just love living their lives in their own pretend limelight!

Oh and congratulations are due, I think they are engaged!

My Cheap Fashion Fix

A Banana Republic 
lovely gold eyelet embroidered 
white cotton skirt 
with tags still attached $5.00
Original price $78.00

Community Resource Center Thrift Store

Providing families in need and victims of domestic violence with safety, stability and a path to self-sufficiency

Buying myself a treat while helping others in need, priceless!