Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Soundtrack to a Happy Holiday?!?

As a member of the generation that experienced the beginning of MTV and music videos; "Video Killed The Radio Star" after all. I should have known that music would begin to weave itself into my everyday life. Driving (Well actually sitting in traffic!) home on the freeway, in my head I always hear the lyrics to Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi", you know, the part about the parking lot. 
I guess I have always had a soundtrack playing in my head. 

In 1983 at a friend's wedding, when my future husband asked the DJ to play Billy Idol's "White Wedding" I should have known he was trouble, someone that would not even wait for the wedding couple to enjoy their first dance to a song of their own choosing. As he pulled me onto the dance floor I faintly heard the phantom song only I could hear; "Dancing With Myself", it would have been smarter. 

Fast forward to May 2013 when he said he was thinking of moving out, the only sound I heard were the lyrics to Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust", as most of our friends were already divorced.

Now as we near the end of another year, a new year for me living a single life, 
I happily hear the Waitresses "Christmas Wrapping" ringing in my ears!

Since this is the season of giving, a story that gives insight to what most men really want (and what I always thought they did)., the story title: What We Want. 

My Cheap Fashion Fix 

For the holidays a gorgeous new sequin blazer from 

Flashbacks Recycled Fashion: $16.00!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Am My Own Wife!

A happy thought, that after all of the years of servitude, I can do whatever I want. 

I have become my own person after all of these years and I am finally beginning to feel like myself again. Wow, and I thought I was lost forever.....

Yes of course it's stressful, but just that one thought, that I am me, almost free, is enough to make me happy. I work out whenever I want, and take care of myself because I have realized that it is true, if you don't take care of yourself no one else will.

Which leads me to explain the cheap fashion fix. I realized my last post ended abruptly, so here it is: during my marriage, to get through the bad days I would treat myself to something inexpensive. I was a good wife, I never splurged on myself and did everything I was asked to do. (Silly woman, won't do that again!) It was cheaper than therapy and I had something to show for it. And my last life (before children) was lived as a fashion buyer so I was good at it too! But looking at my closet made me realize I had a lot more bad days than good, but that is now in the past.

Note to self, always be your significant other's equal, when the power shifted my marriage took a turn for the worse.

Now on to the fun part, if you are ever in Encinitas look up the Assistance League Thrift Shop-Fabulous Finds. The address is 1542 Encinitas Blvd, They really do have great stuff, and their philanthropic programs are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and adults affected by trauma, violence and poverty. So along with finding something great you are also helping people in need and what could be better than that! They take donations daily too!

My Cheap Fashion Fix 
from Fabulous Finds

A Juicy Couture Jacket for $20. 
I found a similar one online for $218.

And a pair of slipper shoes by Zalo with embroidered palm trees for $10. I found a pair online for $178, with a different palm tree.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

For women that need a cheap fashion fix, and a smile to brighten their divorcing days.

You haven't really lived until you husband leaves you for someone half his age, moves out, shuts off all of the credit cards and changes all of the bills into your name.  
But it's a start! 
That is why I decided to start this blog. 
Like the woman that decided to take on the seemingly impossible task of making one recipe a day for a year from Julia Child's cookbook, I am going to share the experience of divorce, from the start (Well almost the start, there have been some ugly, busy days!) all the way through to the happily ever after! 
For those of you that may have already checked this page looking for   inspiration, my apologies for the false start, I hope you come back to view the results! 
Note to self, don't let your (ex) husband suck away any more of your time than he already has, life is too short to be unhappy. If I can do this after 24 years of marriage, (30 year relationship) anyone can!

My Cheap Fashion Fix

Found this LaROK top at Ross on sale for $6.49! LaROK tops range in price from $100 to $300, so this was a great treat! Who knew Ross carried such great brands?