This week was signing day for many high school students. Sports of course, not how smart, how kind or how artistic the student was but for being good enough at a sport to get into college.
If I was able to guide my children through school again I wouldn't ride them about homework, I would have made sure they enjoyed and became good at a sport. My hopefully soon to-be-ex (yes still) always forced the idea of homework over enjoyment of activities including a sport. Homework was more important than anything including sleep.
The majority of kids that my children grew up with that played sports were signed to a college because they were good at a sport. These kids didn't have the stressful time of applying to colleges. They already knew where they were going to college, and the bigger deal they knew they were going to college. One boy I knew was signed as early as 10th grade. This must have helped high school to be much more enjoyable.
For my son going though life without his father, he decided he didn't want to apply to any all. School has been really difficult for him and very sad. If he had played a sport and had the friendships that come with being part of a team he may have felt positive enough to have made a different decision.