Monday, October 12, 2015

Planes, Pains and Hospitals

It’s funny how we think we are in control of our lives and then karma or the cosmos come into play and all of a sudden you are on a plane traveling to a destination you had not planned. To make things even more interesting you end up on the same flight as your ex and …wait for it yes, seated right next to him. Boy did he look surprised, and not the good surprised either. He doesn’t really speak to me as this divorce drags on and the feeling sitting here is beyond awkward. God has a really good sense of humor!

Not sure why we have been pulled from our lives and brought to this moment. I believe things happen for a reason so it will be interesting to see what happens next. Our daughter went to the ER last night and is now in a hospital in the middle of nowhere.  I hope she will be ok, that is all I really want. That’s all any of us want for our children is to be healthy and happy, happy is good!

I am hoping that he can put away any resentment and just be here for her. As I have told him before that even though we are no longer married, we will always be a family albeit a broken strange one, but a family nonetheless!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Divorce: If I Knew Then What I Know Now!!

It hasn't been an easy couple of years, and I can't see an end to it yet! Divorcing a narcissist is a long, drawn out event. The narc always believes they are right, just like they always have. I have done everything requested of me but I just learned that he is still holding out on items that he needs to do-still. It is totally out of my control just like always.

If I had known I would be divorced at any time of this weird relationship, I would have made the move to divorce instead of trying to stay in an unhealthy marriage. I wouldn't have to attempt to rebuild my life at this late stage when I am supposed to be looking forward to growing old gracefully and an empty nest.

The narcissist picked an incredibly bad time to leave and my teen at home is still dealing with major depression, multiple medications and trying to finish high school. Of course I am taking care of this all on my own.

My kids now face a future with no family, and possible problematic relationships of their own as we were not appropriate role models to base a good marriage on.  I didn't want them to grow up without a dad but that may have been the better choice.

Maybe they could have had a new and improved loving family instead of none.

At least the part where I am trying to reinvent myself seems to be working out, here are links to two current articles.

Huffington Post Divorce section:

Divorced Moms:

Thanks for following along and I hope someone out there knows that they are not alone.