When I first learned I was going to be divorcing, (Why is it usually a surprise?)
I asked divorced friends what they did to fill their time, besides filling out the overwhelming amount of paperwork involved. The answer I received more than once was "Well, do you like to read?" Now I like to read as much as anyone, but I felt if was not fair that my soon to be ex was dating and out having fun, (Well, he must have been or why would he have wanted a divorce in the first place?) and I was supposed to fill my hours with reading and a new cat.
So, I decided to join the millions of other single (Or soon to be single, or pretending to be single.) people and join an online dating site. I googled top dating sites and one of my first searches came up with the 100 best dating sites. I had no idea there were 100 sites, let alone 100 best. So I picked the first 2 I had heard about and paid for 6 months before I found out that many of the sites are free, so I signed up for 2 free sites as well.
I don't have a lot of results to share yet, except that now I know I am not alone on this "Isle of Divorce" and I can still get compliments from the opposite sex. (Gosh, it had been so long that I was starting to feel like Quasimodo!)
I am finding that free sites contain more married men. Well of course, no credit card payment means no paper trail. So if all that I accomplish in my new online dating life is making a few married men feel bad about being on these sites, then my job here is done!
My Cheap Fashion Fix
A Stella & Jamie Castilla jacket in Dove
on sale $25.00 at TJMaxx
Today I found this jacket online for $328.00