A happy thought, that after all of the years of servitude, I can do whatever I want.
I have become my own person after all of these years and I am finally beginning to feel like myself again. Wow, and I thought I was lost forever.....
Yes of course it's stressful, but just that one thought, that I am me, almost free, is enough to make me happy. I work out whenever I want, and take care of myself because I have realized that it is true, if you don't take care of yourself no one else will.
Which leads me to explain the cheap fashion fix. I realized my last post ended abruptly, so here it is: during my marriage, to get through the bad days I would treat myself to something inexpensive. I was a good wife, I never splurged on myself and did everything I was asked to do. (Silly woman, won't do that again!) It was cheaper than therapy and I had something to show for it. And my last life (before children) was lived as a fashion buyer so I was good at it too! But looking at my closet made me realize I had a lot more bad days than good, but that is now in the past.
Note to self, always be your significant other's equal, when the power shifted my marriage took a turn for the worse.
Now on to the fun part, if you are ever in Encinitas look up the Assistance League Thrift Shop-Fabulous Finds. The address is 1542 Encinitas Blvd, They really do have great stuff, and their philanthropic programs are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children and adults affected by trauma, violence and poverty. So along with finding something great you are also helping people in need and what could be better than that! They take donations daily too!
from Fabulous Finds
A Juicy Couture Jacket for $20.
I found a similar one online for $218.
And a pair of slipper shoes by Zalo with embroidered palm trees for $10. I found a pair online for $178, with a different palm tree.